JQ: Made easy

Natarajan Santhosh
1 min readNov 8, 2023


I always struggled with understanding JQ. Each time I was just googling things. But actually it does make a lot of sense if you understanding the building blocks. I wrote it all down but here is my summary:

jq lets you select elements like it’s a JavaScript object using dot notation and array indexing.

jq '.key.subkey.subsubkey'
jq '.key[].subkey[2]'

You can turn wrap things in array constructors, or object constructors to create new objects and lists:

jq '[ .[].key ]'
jq '{key1: .key1, key2: .key2}'

You can combine filters with pipes (|) to build complex transformations. Built-ins like map() and select() are useful for transforming arrays.

You put it all together into something like this:

curl -L https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/issues | 
jq 'map({title: .title, labels: .labels}) |
map(select(.labels)) |
map({issue: .title}) |
sort_by(.issue) |
[{issues: .[]}]

This query fetches GitHub issues, transforms them into a simplified structure, filters out unlabeled issues, sorts them, and wraps the results in an array — demonstrating how you can chain together jq’s query language to wrangle JSON data.



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