Cypress A11Y Setup


Photo Unsplash
# create a directory
mkdir cy-ax-foo
# init npm
$ cd cy-ax-foo; npm init -y
# install cypress and cypress-axe dependencies
$ npm i --D cypress@4.8.0 cypress-axe@0.8.1
# open code on vscode
$ code .
# verify that cypress is setup correctly
$ npx cypress open
# a cypress window should open. click on an example spec and i can see that the test is executed. \0/
# support/index.jsadd this line `import 'cypress-axe'`
# add belowdescribe('Axe demo', ()=>{
it('should catch basic a11y issue', ()=>{
'page-has-heading-one': {enabled: false}
Cypress test runner
# click on axe.spec.js on the cypress window# The test fails and show the a11y failures(left pane)
# open the chrome inspector
# click on one of errors on the left pane
# i can see details of the a11y error on right panel
# to run test on continuous integration(ci pipeline)$ npx cypress run



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