AWS Lambda: Building Sentiment Detection with Ruby and AWS Comprehend
2 min readJul 11, 2019
pre-requisites: aws account setup and aws cli
mkdir my_function; cd $_
create a gemfile and add following
source ""
gem 'aws-sdk-comprehend'
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
create a lambda function `vi lambda_function.rb`
require 'json'
require 'aws-sdk-comprehend'def lambda_handler(event:, context:)
input = JSON.parse(event["body"])["text"]
comprehend =
result = "Based on AWS Comprehend, the sentiment is: #{comprehend.detect_sentiment({text: input, language_code:'en', })[:sentiment]}"
{ statusCode: 200, body: JSON.generate(result) }
Edit the lambda role to include following comprehend policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "comprehend:DetectSentiment",
"Resource": "*"
Now zip the ruby lambda and thirdparty dependencies into a zip file and publish it to AWS lambda
zip -r lambda_function.rb vendor/# create a function (first time )
aws lambda create-function --function-name sentiment_function --runtime ruby2.5 --role a_lambda_arn_role --handler lambda_function.lambda_handler --zip-file fileb:// make changes locally and update
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name sentiment_function --zip-file fileb://
Now log-in to your aws console and verify that function is added. Run a lambda test
On lambda designer, click on the trigger, add API Gateway and copy the url
Use a rest client e.g. postman
POST to url with a body
a sample response from AWS Comprehend’s detect_sentiment call
{:sentiment=>"POSITIVE", :sentiment_score=>{:positive=>0.9365447759628296, :negative=>0.0029086992144584656, :neutral=>0.053811587393283844, :mixed=>0.006734972354024649}}